GLAM Blog Club – December 2019

This month’s theme intersection(s), thanks to Danielle for the theme, it was interpreted in a number of very interesting ways, sometimes surprising.

Hospitals, libraries, PTSD and the importance of being trauma-informed, Nikki argues that “Trauma is a prevalent part of life and society, and librarians need to be trauma-informed and acknowledge the depth and intersectionality of trauma”.

Walking on a tight rope Melly shares what it’s like to have to let go of a collection when moving from one team to the next, knowing that nobody will take over care of the collection, that it’s down to management what happens to the collection next.

Paths, Mike’s keynote at the 2019 Research Applications in Information and Libraries Conference explores context, “relationships, pathways and the in-between”.

A GLAMorous look at Midsumma 2020, Clare reviews the program for introverts and GLAM peeps, stating that the program has “some good intersectional LGBTIQ+ representation.”

Do No Harm, Edward states that most libraries don’t have a framework to be part of social change, such as anti-oppression, intersectional feminism, and prison abolition.

#NotEnoughSciFi: To Write Like a Woman, Matt discusses the theory of Kimberle Williams Crenshaw, “overlapping identities and systems of oppression” through a lens of Science Fiction and Fantasy recently published works.

All the single ladies: Intersections between happiness and feminism, Anne breaks the stereotype that single women are unhappy.

Thanks for all who wrote on this month’s theme. The theme for December is ‘free’, thanks to Bonnie Wildie. Would you like to see the cost of entry to your museum to be free? Do you believe in free access to information? What do you think should be free and what should incur a fee in your GLAM work place? Should overdue book returns be free? We look forward to reading your blogs.

Tag your blog post “GLAM Blog Club”, tweet a link to it using #GLAMBlogClub, and register your blog at Happy blogging!