The month of September saw a baker’s dozen of GLAMBlogClub Posts on the topic of “Safe”.
Some truly thought provoking writing was generated on many different permutations of the term. There were some musing on libraries being the original safe space for the writer and that disappearing into books and archive can offer a personal reprieve from current the trials and tribulation of life for the queer librarian. Some went further to discuss the sector’s need to facilitate safe forums for discussion, especially online.
There were also posts on our safe work practices in regards to long term preservation when dealing with digital assets, as well as the need to have role models in the handling and safe keeping of physical collection materials.
Then there is our own professional safety- such as safe and supported ways we can seek professional development, about being open and inclusive to our fellow professionals and about taking some risks in your career.
The idea of a professional (or personal) comfort zone, was a particularly hot topic. The need to step outside your personal comfort zone to find happiness, meaning and adventure, the trade off between comfort and security vs leading the charge via risk and the importance to take time to understand the diverse communities that we serve.
These discussions feed naturally into the possible dangers of neutrality, that the GLAM sector has the real opportunity to be agents of change through transformative dialogue and that is there is a choice between being safe and being neutral, that safe should not be sacrificed.
The October theme is “How I Ended Up Here”- all of us here at nC HQ are looking forward to each and every one of those GLAM origin stories out there**.
When posting those past hits, please don’t forget to use the #glamblogclub hashtag when posting on Facebook and Twitter, as well as tag ‘glam blog club’ before pressing publish on your blog post.
Get blogging!
**Origin stories can be tricky, canon can sometimes wreak havoc with a good narrative. We will certainly be part of the fandom, without being sticklers