Some big news …

The last two and a half years have seen newCardigan grow and go from strength to strength as we introduced cardiCast and GLAM Blog Club to the newCardigan community. We continue to host cardiParties with interesting speakers from the GLAM sector each month, and recently we expanded our reach to run events in Perth in addition to Melbourne.

newCardigan runs entirely on volunteer labour and so in order to continue to deliver the best we can to you, our Cardies, we decided to incorporate newCardigan as a not for profit Association.

That’s right folks, we are all grown up and professional and we’d like to invite all our wonderful Cardies to head to our newly updated website and join newCardigan as official members – and maybe even make a donation if at all possible. This will help us keep the servers whirring and the Cardies partying and ensure we can continue to source great speakers and locations for our community.

We are looking forward to a great 2018 full of amazing speakers from the GLAM sector, so go on, join us!